Funny Sobriety Quotes
Funny Sobriety Quotes. Addiction Quotes And Sayings Sobriety Recovery Quotes Celebrity Sobriety Quotes Funny Quotes About Opinions Encouraging Quotes For Sobriety Funny Beer Quotes Abraham Lincoln. What matters is how many times you get back up." Officer: "That isn't how field sobriety tests work." 👍🏼. "Laughter is day, and sobriety is night; a smile is the twilight that hovers gently between both, more bewitching than either." ― Henry Ward Beecher "It's a great advantage not to drink among hard drinking people." ― F.

Positive Surgery Recovery Quotes Funny. "Fall seven times, stand up eight.". - Japanese proverb. "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.". - Dr.
But when it is bad, it is pretty damn good." Me: "It's not about how many times you fall.
When it's bad, it's still pretty damn good." • "My Blood type used to be whiskey negative, now it's sober positive!" • "Sponsoring yourself is like having an asshole for a sponsor!" Motivational Sobriety Quotes Sometimes the inspiration you need is found in a quote, here are a few motivational quotes that may give you the inspiration you need to continue on through the struggle. "Only I can change my life. The gift of sobriety is clarity and a sense of connection - and travel only enhances that. No one can do it for me.". - Carol Burnett. "Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.".
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Lisa Brophy
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